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Leaders Lead with Heart NOT with Brain

Most people know that being a leader is crucial for a network marketer to grow a strong team. 

There is always a common quality I see in ALL leaders: Passion. But for you to be a greater and more valuable leader, you need one more thing: Compassion.

And here is a little fun topic to think about: You can have passion for success. You can have passion for money. Oh yes, that financial freedom! You can have passion for fame. You can have passion to help other people. Passion can be towards anything and anyone. But guess what? People don’t have compassion for computers nor compassion for wealth. Compassion goes only for other people and living things.

  • Passion helps you to look ahead and press forward.
  • Compassion helps you to look back to remember others behind you.

To be a leader you need to have BOTH. How else can you guide others and serve others?  People may admire you for marching forward fast and far, but they will not follow and trust you unless you are willing to take them along with you.

7 Things to Have a Deeper Sense of Inner Peace

1.  Feel things fully
Expanding your capacity to feel things more fully – is one of those things that can dramatically improve your capacity to experience inward peace.
2. Remove tolerations
As humans we have this amazing ability to “make things OK” and to allow things to drain our energy in our environments.
3. Regret proof your life
There are many ways  to regret proof your life : Do your best – always.  When things get off track start fresh. Lower your implusivity – do things with your feelings and your thinking in alignment with intentionality.
4. Have a “connection” practice
Inward peace that comes from meaning and inspiration is one of the most rewarding elements of inward peace.  Whether it is a meditative practice like walking, meditating, writing, or just being out in nature or being of service to your community.
5.  Know what you want and don’t want in life
There are so many people in this world with out a clear definition of what they want, what success would look like – that when they actually reach it – they loose out on the opportunity to relax .
6.  Take a positive stance
Attracting more ease in your life through the use of language is one of the more simple changes to start making on your own. There are many words  we use for example which can keep us further from a state of inward peace.
7.  Do the work
Doing the work or the practice that is needed to accomplish is not often talked about as a way to create greater  inward peace.  The key here is to understand what happens to us when we are willing to do the work towards our goals and intentions.   When there is  a full willingness – there is more allowing that happens, and it is that allowing that brings us closer to peace.   When we resist – we often take ourselves into a place of  frustration and isolation.  Two places that are quite distant from peace.

Business Leadership Styles and Skills

There are always some leaders who set trends for that field. By the same way in every kind of a business some people leads and set trends and the other follow and get success. Today I am talking about the five tips to enhance the leadership skill for growing your business. 
Self-Esteem for Organization Leadership
 People become more willing to work if they feel important. Effective business leaders help their organizations members develop their self-esteem. You can do this by paying more attention to them and expressing your genuine interest in their opinions every time you converse. When it is well deserved, give your member a tap on the shoulder to show that his efforts are well appreciated. The key here is in being sincere and in expressing your appreciation through the littlest gestures. 
Planning for Leadership Development
Members of an organization are more able to adapt to changes if there is a specific plan of action laid out. Planning is crucial in effective leadership because it provides the organization with a concrete direction and identifiable means to achieve its goals. As a leader, you should initiate planning and exert effort in communicating those plans as clearly as possible to your members. This will strengthen your members decision-making skills and would allow for effective delegation. 
Business Motivation
How you work, lead, and carry yourself hugely affects how much people would want to work with you. A highly motivating work environment is undoubtedly a productive one. The organization benefits the most when its members are continuously motivated to work for and with it. There are many ways by which you, as a leader, can motivate your members. You can provide deserving members with public recognition even through a simple mention of their names and accomplishments. Offering challenges that allows your members to grow, and in a way show-off, is a brilliant to motivate them to be more competitive. You can hand out incentives such as bonuses, free stuff, or promotions to high-performing members so that your members will have something to look forward to in exchange for a job well done. One of the most important ways to motivate, however, is through leading by example. 
You can't do everything by yourself. The best business leaders can effectively delegate tasks, giving them more time to plan and supervise. Usually, business leaders fail to delegate effectively because they fear their subordinates would do badly at a job that they could have done much better. Do not succumb to that pitfall. Your members will definitely make mistakes, but so will you. The thing to remember here is that you should always make sure that you communicate the things that you want done clearly and that you allow your subordinates to be accountable for the consequences of their action. 
This actually relates to Allocation. Making your members accountable and responsible for their actions empowers them. It makes them feel greater self-respect; and in the long-run, it would allow them, working with accountability, to develop creativity and become better workers. 
These five principles self-esteem, planning, motivation, delegation, and empowerment are all important in improving your leadership skills. But these are not enough. The success of your leadership will ultimately depend on the way you recognize your organizations needs and how you can adapt your leadership style to those needs. In the same way that you would evaluate your members performance, also evaluate and reflect on yours. Only you can tell what "good" leadership is for your organization. Likewise, it's only you who can determine how you can become a "good" business leader.
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